
Ahh, those ladies at AROOO!

Just been mulling over this little gem:

Any response at all given to the women of privilege, those who have the power of the status-quo behind them when they propagate their ignorant perspectives, is first and foremost either a deflection or counter against the initiating violation.  That is to say that there is no such thing as a “hostile” response by oppressed women to the gall of privileged women to assert their sheer ignorance and hubris as fact.  There is only retaliation, counter-attack, deflection, or retreat, all of which reactions to such a transgression are entirely warranted.

Now, there are several things wrong with this. I’ll try to list them in order they occur:

  1. Accusation of ignorance unsubstantiated
  2. One of the foundations for Margaret’s rhetoric is that women of privelege are ignorant of the situation of those less priveleged. (A moment to digress: Margaret is by no means less priveleged, it is apparent she is educated, has a home, electricity, Internet, and enough leisure time to keep up a rather useless blog. To me, this is middle class, the largest class of all people in the USA, and well same domain as most white women and other supposed women of privelege. Margaret likes to appropriate the situations and experiences of others as her own, however do not forget that the vast majority of topics she talks about in an authoratative capacity she has no direct experience with. Back to the topic.) This assumption is not substantiated in any way, it is simply presumed to exist. As with most forms of circular reasoning, this pillar of the radical feminist doctrine must exist because if it didn’t radical feminists wouldnt have anything to complain about re: other women. Nor will Margaret ever know if that ignorance exists or not, since she does not engage in debate or discussion, but rather simply expouses what she believes. As close minded people go, the lid is tightly shut on this one, and strapped in place with several leather belts, an iron band, and two pounds of padlocks. It aint open, and it aint opening. Even Houdini couldn’t get through those mental locks.

  3. She started it!
  4. A very mature gem of a perspective. Aparently every last bit of hate and hubris that Margaret has spewed against women, and particularly white women, is their fault because they attacked her first. Tell me Margaret, which came first, the chick on the egg? Margaret suffers a bit from inability to focus on her goals. Sometimes it’s the male supremacy, other times its white women of privilege. The two are not the same issue, but Margaret switches from to the other often in the middle of a sentence and often more than once per paragraph. The pattern bears out – usually such alternation is a symptom of poorly understood or explored foundation assumptions, and that is clearly the case here.

  5. Being rude and crass, abusive, and derogatory is okay if you’re defending your position and arguments, and you can place yourself at the bottom
  6. Most of us realised a while ago that being rude, crass, and abusive simply weakens and defeats your own arguments, and undermines your position. This is one of the foundationals of disemmination. Being rude and abusive simply demonstrates to all and sundry that you don’t actually have a valid reply to the argument made. Rather than meet the question or statement on the basis of logical and substantive response, the responder simply attacks the person asking the question or making the statement. Margaret, in particular, mixes a strawman with ad hominem to create her own particular brand of defense: The “You aren’t an oppressed black woman so nothing you say has any merit”. Margaret, Margaret, Margaret. You aren’t an oppressed black woman either. Never-the-less, when you consider your only options “retaliation, counter-attack, deflection, or retreat”, you have a very shakey platform and know it. You cannot convert people to your cause by beating them over the head with rude accusations of gender-treachery, suggesting they are incompetent, incapable, brainwashed, and indoctrinated. To convert you must convince, to convince you must meet the arguments made and show how and why they are invalid.

    As to whether such personal attacks are warranted, well, let me put it clearly. No. They. Are. Not. First, two wrongs have never made a right. Your mother should have taught you that long ago. It’s not a new concept, Margaret. The phrase “Violence begets violence” dates back to at least 1798, and probably well before then. All you are doing, in your relentless and disgusting attacks, is perpetuating the very system you supposedly want to destroy. A calm and open minded, welcoming approach would garner you far more listeners, and open far more minds to any legitimate message you might have. One is less, therefore, with the impression that you don’t actually care about effectiveness or progression in your campaign, but rather want to be recognised and approprobated for being a self-declared radical feminist.

I took some time to do a little psychoanalysis on Margaret and came to the conclusion that:

She is probably a latent homosexual (no, homo does not come from any root meaning ‘man’ it means ‘one’ or ‘all the same’ as in homogenous). If she has never experimented with women, it is hard to categorise her as a lesbian or bisexual. For the degree of self hatred expressed, she probably was raised in an environment that was very strong on heterosexual relations, and in which being homosexual was seen as an abomination, something filthy and disgusting. That is, she was raised to hate some of the deepest feelings in herself. I’m going to go out a bit further on this limb and suggest that she tried boyfriends, and for the sake of her parents perhaps, peer pressure, or because she wanted to be normal. It didn’t go well, primarily due to her homosexuality, and at the far end of possibility, she went to the point of attempting intercourse, or was forced.

Under that analysis a lot of the rabitiy, and the stark hate is explained, and if I’m right it is a bit of a sad story. That doesn’t make the rhetoric and doctrine any more palatable or acceptable.

David Thompson disassembles Margaret Jamison

Pretty much exactly the conclusion I came to on reading that drivel.

I view women as strong, intelligent, able, and independent. Capable of making decisions that have value and  taking responsibility for those decisions and the consequences of them. This is one of the fundamental precepts of the entire concept of ‘freedom’. Freedom – the opposite of oppression, Margaret.

It’s lose-lose situation, catch 22. If you are not a androcide-promoting man-hating radical feminist then you have clearly been indoctrinated, duped, and oppressed by the male gender. Thus your decisions are not your own, nor your loves, desires, wants, dreams, ideals,  et al. As such, you cannot be trusted to make decisions for yourself. The only way to be ‘free’ in Margaret’s book is by destroying everything male. Male children are not to be mothered, such would instill in them the belief that women are subject to them. Male children should not even be born – if a zygote is confirmed to be male, it should be terminated forth-with. In fact, being male should be a crime and we should all be kept on leashes, locked up, or killed off. Only when women are free from the disease that is the human male, will they be capable of making their own decisions.

That’s Margaret’s utopia. Now, keep in mind, Margaret is a self-declared spinster, that means she has never been married, and never had children. She was – by her own words – popped forth from her mother’s womb fully cognizant of the evils of men and the need for their erradication. So vehement and violent is Margaret’s distaste for male-kind that not only does she promoted killing male offsprint before they are born, but killing female offspring before they are born should their birth be into a ‘male dominated society’ such as we live in today.

Of course, Margaret completely misses the fact that swapping one set of doctrine for another still results in indoctrination, and if women are not free to make decisions in the current cultural environment, then they will be no more free to make their own decisions under her totalitarian ideals.

Despite her vocabulary, and propensity for describing simple concepts in long legal-political-ese, Margaret displays nothing more than ignorance and hate. Which is not suprising, since each is the birth place of the other. For a woman who has never been married to comment on the evils of marriage is ridiculous. For a woman who has never born a child to comment on the evils of child birth and motherhood, is beyond ludicrous. For the same woman to do both is simply certifiable. That kind of intellectual appropriation of the lives and experiences of women is dishonest, and nearly as abhorrent as the vile and abusive doctrine it is used to support.

I’ve Heard of Women Changing Their Minds But….

The Femmenist has a new post up today about our recently unearthed (in the sense of lifting a rock to find the bugs and worms beneath it) radical feminist friends over in AROOO.

Honestly, these women are vile. Their views are hypocritical and nothing less of twisted. The holocaust is roundly and rightly condemned for the murder of millions of Jewish and non-Aryan peoples, yet such a horror pales beside the androcidal utopia expoused by these women. This is hate speech, sexual discrimination and vilification, racism, bigotry, and on the whole not only reprehensible but intolerable. These women belong in an institution or prison, not the society they revile so much.

There is plenty of cheap land around the world where they can establish their little Gondola and hopefully die out in a generation. If you hate society so much ladies, what are you still doing here? Why are you using man-made technology, inventions and innovations that owe more to male progressive thought and creativity than female (not to diminish the work of female scientists and inventors, Mrs Curie), why even live in a culture that is so antithetical to your beliefs? No one is twisting your arm. You’re free to leave at any time.

Spread…in the sense of Gangrene

Indeed the cat is out of the bag, but while you’d love to be snide (and indeed try to be) the word that is getting out is just how warped and twisted radical feminists are. We aren’t laughing with you; if any laughter is occuring, it most suredly is at you.

Where I come from, black is a color. Not a phenotype. The phenotype is ‘negroid’ – not black. The aboriginees of Australia have been called ‘black’ since they were first encountered.

Honestly, you’re just a bunch of racist homophobic bigots. You disgust me to the bottom of my soul. I am pleased to inform you that noone I have sent in your direction has had anything – not even the slightest – good thing to report about you. It reassures me to the nature of humanity, as opposed to the nature of a pair of ‘women’ like you.

One more for the road

I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. In case of a mistaken first blush, I’ll read more deeply on the chance that I have misread, or mis-evalutated someones writing or personality. That’s how I am. Given the previous posts, and the degree of sheer dysfunctional innanity of the blog, I forced myself to read through comments and articles.

For a brief period, I wondered if in fact this blog was intended to parody the efforts of feminists and the real areas where gender balance needs to be improved, that’s how bad the reasoning and writing is. I visited the “About the Authors” link thinking that perhaps the whole thing would be revealed to be a joke, a lark by some girls wanting to satirise women’s rights. Nope. The writers are ‘serious’. And by serious, I mean ‘insane’.

The blog is co-authored by two women.

Margaret is a past-mature-age black woman (being black, she assumes she has been much more oppressed than other women), who writes from a sense of entitlement and disadvantage that would earn her a slap upside the head from Bill Cosby. She has never been married, and never had children (having – in her words – been born aware of the injustice against women). This pre-pubescent enlightenment, we are told, is why she is absolutely qualified to comment on male/female relations, marriage and procreative activity (there’s nothing quite like speaking from experience, is there, Margaret?). Margaret, honey, women suck dick because women like sucking dick, just as men that get down in the cunningulus do it because they like to. It’s not a big mystery to anyone but you. I don’t have a problem with American black women. I have a problem with American black women who think that people who have problem with them have one because they are American black women, and not because they are closed minded bigots (which you are), rude, abusive, and derogatory (which you also are). Quite frankly, Margaret, I have  a problem with American black women who use that as a shield or excuse to act like assholes as if the color of their skin makes up for it.

Ms Glendower is the pseduo-intellectualist of the two. If you do go reading, the more calm and measured posts (the ones that aren’t laden with insults and abuse against women who like men, and men who like women) are hers. That said, Ms Glendower takes a lot of mental shortcuts in making her arguments. Much of what she has written is unsubstantiated and a good part of that is actually unable to be substantiated. Opinion dressed up as a fact and academic rigour.

Together, the two set about correcting the mispercieved ills of the world that act as constant oppression on all women kind. Or, in other words, men. For example, did you know that marriage and rape are the same thing? Apparently no woman can consent to sex, because of the indoctrination she has received at the hands of men it will never ever ever be a consensual act, therefore all sex between men and women is rape. It’s all the illuminati male supremacy making sure women always stay subject to the will and desires of men. The only way women can be free, according to Margaret and Glendower, is to cease being women. Cast off the desire for female-male interaction, break free of the ‘mother’ biological role and imperatives, and deny your feminine natures. Only by severing and amputating every last part of your feminity can you destroy male subversion of female kind. This is the message. This is the goal.

It should come as no surprise then that other recognised and established radical feminists and feminist organisation want nothing to do with the twisted and dysfunctional ramblings of the two ladies behind AROOO. No ladies, it’s not because you’re more hardcore and underground. You don’t grok it better than anyone else. You’re just bat-shit fucking crazy.

To round it out, here’s one post from the lips of  Margaret “I’m black and you’re not” Jamison:

While we’re on the subject of chickens and eggs, I’d like to talk about dominance and submission as regard the social role ‘Mother’ (thanks Mary Sunshine :) ).  I’ve said before that I don’t believe the Mother-son relationship to be one of a Mother’s dominance over her sons.  In fact, I believe the Mother’s role to be so subordinate to her sons’ as to be positively masochistic.  And I believe that this relationship of motherly masochism feeds sadistic male dominance as much as male sadism in turn feeds female submission.

A Mother, entirely devoted to the physical care, emotional well-being, and entertainment of a male child, has subordinated herself to his whim.  He knows that he need only cry, and she will come; she will be his comfort, his nourishment, his outlet for frustration, and his champion in the world.  It is not the case that his actual, basest, fundamental needs be in danger for her to run to his side.  It is only his demand, which can be asserted at his any and every impulse – not his actual need – that beckons the Mother.  The son is in a position to control the Mother’s actions with his behavior, to manipulate her attentions in his favor.  This is dominance as surely as the Mother’s slavish servitude is masochism.

Exacerbating and/or derivative of this fundamental sadomasochistic script is the adult male’s role in demanding and enforcing the masochism of the Mother (that is, any woman in his sphere of dominance who might be or become one), with the weight of his institutions and his fists, the Mother subjugated by the whims of the sons and the fathers.

Now, for me, the issue is not and never has been which role – the masochism so seemingly willingly taken on by the Mother, the dominance males take by manipulation (of the Mother and of the male-supremacist system) of the sons and the coercion (violent or institutional) of the fathers – CAUSES the other.  It only matters to me that these roles are symbiotic; they two conditions both perpetuate and rely upon each other.  They must therefore both – submission and dominance – be done away with.

That’s right, folks.

These women remind me so very much of this:



A Quick Excerpt of the Ludicrous

From the afore-mentioned blog, and to further clarify the degree of this woman’s delusions:

So long as men hold a position of dominance over women, having desires that coincide with theirs is simply complicity in male supremacy, not a female-derived interest that must be taken into account by radical feminists.  I don’t care to re-frame this complicity as being a legitimately, or primarily, female compulsion.  It would be nice if women who want to cooperate with men would simply say that, instead of masquerading their sheep-hood as independent thought.

In other words, if you agree with, or have a desire that coincides with that of a man’s, you are complicit in male supremacy, and your interest is not female-derived (derived from being female and having the nature, interests, and desires of a female). Indeed, you are merely a sheep. Classic, isn’t it? The only way to be a female is to eschew being female.

My counter-point to this? It would be nice if women who didn’t want to co-operate with men would take themselves off and live in a commune somewhere with other likeminded delusionals, and participate solely in feeding and sustaining each other’s twisted realities and leave the rest of woman-kind alone. Yeah, and stop masquerading your pseudo-intellectual drivel as independent thought; you’re just sheep of a different color. Diseased sheep of a different color.

Self Loathing and Radical Feminism

To mangle a quote:

When you see yourself as a hammer, the rest of the world is nothing but nails

Margaret – A Padded Room of Our Own – hates herself. She hates herself with such vehemence that not only does she revile her own happiness and capacity to love and be loved, she reviles it in other women too. Psychologists call it ‘projecting’, an externalised delusion where our own feelings and thoughts are juxtaposed onto those around us. Margaret hates herself, she hates being a woman, and having a woman’s female nature. Literally, Margaret hates being feminine, and in that hatred subverts that term to her own agenda. By redefining what it means to be female, she paints the world in the colors of her delusion and seeing it as such, affirms to herself that she – and not women who increasingly disagree with her and those like her – is correct. Only she knows what is good and right for women-kind, and anyone who doesn’t agree is a whore and a gender traitor. This is the miserable world that Margaret sees around her. A self-affirmed projection of self-loathing and misognistic hate.

No, that wasn’t an error. Misognistic hate. You see, Margaret doesn’t believe that women are capable of making their own decisions and strong enough to choose the life they want to lead with or without the prompting of men. In Margaret’s view, if a woman enjoys kissing a man, it is not because that is the natural reaction of a woman kissing a man, but because men have taught her to like it. If a woman enjoys the strength of a man when he touches her, when he stimulates her erogenous zones, when he breathes on her neck or strokes her aureloa, it is because men have subjugated women and indoctrinated them to enjoy it, not because of any natural born enjoyment of such things. If a woman wants to bear children, and raise a family, then again, she has been indoctrinated by the men around her to want that. Never mind the centuries of evolutionary development, the necessity for the survival of species that crafted such biological imperatives long before humans even gained the capacity for speech. No, no, it is quite literally because of men. Nor is this the extent of Margaret’s madness. By her own words, no decision a woman makes that coincides with the desires of a man, is of her own free will. It doesn’t matter how or why she made that decision, the fact that a man is happy with it means she has submitted to the will of men.

This is the modern face of Radical Feminism. Is it any wonder that women are increasingly rejecting it?

On a side note, expect it to get more extreme and bizarre as women who find themselves disassociated from society seek something to cling to and define themselves around. Radical Feminism is the Witchcraft of the new millenia; complete with uniforms and slogans. As such, we really shouldn’t expect more than specious reasoning, and cliched justifications from them. Increasingly the ‘goals’ of feminism are being discarded in favor of the identity of being a radical feminist. Questioned closely, there is little low-level understanding, just the reiteration and parroting of anti-male rhetoric – all the fandom of real feminism, without the actual need to accomplish anything; and while these new-age feminists continue to crow about the plight of women in third world and middle eastern countries, and produce endless diatribes on the evilness of men and how unfair the world is to women in general, real men and real women will continue to fight for equality and better conditions for all members of society, and to make those demands a reality. At which point you can expect Margaret and others like her to be equally vocal about how these changes are result of work by women such as her; Again, without actually doing anything.

Security in Depth

Ah, I really do love the buzz words and jargon of the IT world. SiD, 4P, MFA; The acronyms and rhythmic utterance that we initiates and acolytes of the esoteric arts invest our communication with are fascinating in their own right. I digress.

The casual observer will note that this post is the first on an othewise spartan and pristine blog. Indeed, with only cursory examination it will be clear this this blog is actually brand new. This is not my first blog, nor my only blog, but it is the blog that is relevant to this identity. That is to say, it is relevant to this role of my life. This is my personal blog, you won’t find mention of my other activities here, nor the memberships I hold, or the work I am under taking. The purpose of this blog is to provide a chronology of my personal existence as an obscure member of the public would encounter.

Here-in, then, you will find mention of family and friends, random thoughts, idealogical discussions, and personal exposes and monologues on any topic that crosses my mind. Therefore be warned, ‘thar be bears’.

Again, I digress.

Why this segregation? Security and privacy. It’s a digital world, and everywhere you go, where ever you visit, comment, and establish even a fleeting presence, digital footprints are left that – with persistence and intention – can be used to break down your anonymity and reveal your identity. Often we grow too complacent about this. I know I have, and hence taking action. It began with one of my ex-girlfriends receiving a personal visit from a man she had talked to on a innocuous dating site. This man showed up on her doorstep unannounced and attempted to break into her apartment, and when she refused to allow him in, began to stake it out. He set up watch from his car in the car park, waiting for her to leave for work. Long story short, the police were invovled, and the man sent back where he came from. The question, of course, is how did he find her?

I sat and mused on the topic for a little while. I have certain expertise in security, so the question wasn’ t that hard to nut out. Firstly, while she had separate accounts on various forums and web sites, her account names were almost exclusively the same. Her account name, by the way, includes her first name as part of the identifier. Taking the little bit of information she communicated to him, and searching the Internet and reading all her activity on other sites, he managed to piece together her first name, occupation, and the city she lived in. Well, that’s not a lot of information is it? No, it isn’t, but for a person in an occupation as uncommon as hers, it presented a clear attack vector. Using commonly available services, the individual in question proceeded to call each business in the city that corresponded to her occupation asking for her. After finding where she worked, it was simple to fnd where she lived.

Could this have been prevented? Yes, definitely, however to do so requires a proper ‘defense in depth’ approach to personal security and privacy. A heuristic or two:

  1. Never use the same user name on multiple accounts, be they social networking, blogging, discussion forums et al. Particularly ensure that user names on accounts that are not specifically for different parts of your life are suitably dissimilar. There should be no commonality between the names that a partial name search would highlight.
  2. Use separate passwords for each service, a longer password is better than a more complex password. A good process is to construct a memorable phrase for the service in question, then add some spice and salt. I may make a post about this later.
  3. Use separate email accounts for each role in your life. As with the user names, these must be dissimilar with no reasonable commonality.
  4. For one-off registrations, use one of the disposable email account providers.

My own personal recommendation is to take advantage of an email aggregation service. Google’s gMail now has the ability to do this and do it well:

  • Create new email accounts for each role in your life that you need to keep distinct
  • Create a central email account to act as the aggregator/HQ for your email activity
  • Enable POP in account settings for each of the individual accounts
  • Setup POP retrieval of each individual account in the settings of your central account
  • Setup the individual accounts as ‘additional’ accounts in the settings of your central account
  • Set the central account to use the account an email is received on as the responding account for reply/forward
  • Pick one of the individual accounts as the default account

You will need to log into each individual account to change their settings and authorise the central account to send as them. gMail also limits you to a maximum of five individual accounts, and only retrieves mail intermitently based on activity patterns. You can, however, go to settings and manually check your individual accounts for new mail.